Actualization of the intercultural competence of students in the process of foreign language training at the university (on the example of holidays)

V. N. Kartashovа Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets, Russian Federation Actualization of the intercultural competence of students in the process offoreign language training at the university (on the example of holidays) Abstract: The Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education requires school graduates to…

Information and educational activities in the field of children’s mental health problems among substitute parents in the prevention of secondary orphanages in the Omsk region

N. V. Alexandrova1, O. V. Zaitseva, E. S. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russian Federation Omsk Humanitarian Academy, Omsk, Russian Federation 3Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation 4Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russian Federation Information and educational activities in the field of…

Digital transformation of higher education: a service for assessing the pedagogical qualifications of a university teacher

N. I. Fomin, L. I. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation Digital transformation of higher education: a service for assessing thepedagogical qualifications of a university teacher Abstract: In the context of the digital transformation…

Process analysis and modeling professional self-determination students of cadet organizations in cooperation with the military training center university

M. V. Zaikin, I. D. Orenburg Presidential Cadet College, Orenburg, Russian Federation 2Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russian Federation Process analysis and modeling professional self-determination studentsof cadet organizations in cooperation with the military training centeruniversity Abstract: The problem of the study is caused by the…

Perspective directions for the use of corpus research in the information training of future teachers of philology

N. V. Gerova, V. A. Moscow Witte University, Ryazan, Russian Federation 2Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin, Ryazan, Russian Federation Perspective directions for the use of corpus research in the informationtraining of future teachers of philology Abstract: The article explores the possibilities…

Mathematical skills of humanities professionals in the digital age

D. A. Alfer’ Vologda Research Center of the RAS, Vologda, Russian FederationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Mathematical skills of humanities professionals in the digital age Abstract: Mathematical science is the foundation for the development of scientific knowledge. The need…

Problems of education management in post-soviet Russia in the context of dissertation research on pedagogy

L. A. Shipilinashipilina-l@yandex. ru Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russian Federation Problems of education management in post-soviet Russia in the contextof dissertation research on pedagogy Abstract: The article is devoted to solving a scientific problem caused by the contradiction between the requirementsfor the quality of…

Realization of the ethnocultural component in the content of the subject “Mother (Khanty) language” through the presentation of verbal and non-verbal artifacts

A. E. Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation Realization of the ethnocultural component in the content of the subject“Mother (Khanty) language” through the presentation of verbaland non-verbal artifacts Abstract: At present significant transformations are taking place in Russian education. In particular, the definitionof “ethnocultural…

Homework. Hygienic standardization in the conditions of traditional, distance (blended) learning

I. Sh. Institute for Strategy of Education Development, Moscow, Russian Federation Homework. Hygienic standardization in the conditions of traditional,distance (blended) learning Abstract: Questions related to students’ homework are the priority in communication between parents of studentsand teachers. Its scope and content, as well as…