O. N. Smolin
The State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, Moscow, Russian Federation 2
Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russian Federation
Legal or real status? On some results of legislative work
in the Year of the Teacher and Mentor Annotation
Abstract: Article offers an analysis of the legislative activity of the State Duma regarding education during 2023,
declared the year of the teacher and mentor. The focus is on improving the legal status of teachers in the Russian Federation.
Legislative initiatives were considered, and adopted bills were analyzed. A fragment of the transcript of the plenary meeting
of the State Duma on November 2, 2023, to discuss the draft federal law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the
Russian Federation on the issue of increasing the status of teaching staff” is given. As a result of legislative work in the Year
of the Teacher and Mentor, federal legislation very slightly raised the legal status of the teaching worker and had virtually
no effect on his real social status. Without increasing the real status of teaching staff, the personnel crisis in education will
only grow.
Keywords: legislative activity of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, legal status of a teacher in the Russian
Federation, personnel crisis, teacher’s salary
Paper submitted: February 5, 2024.
For citation: Smolin O. N. (2024) Legal or real status? On some results of legislative work in the Year of the Teacher
and Mentor Annotation. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 92–103. DOI: 10.57015/