General information

The journal Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities was established by the Non-State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Omsk Humanitarian Academy” in 2007. The certificate of registration PI No. TU55-00557 of April 3, 2017 was issued by the Regional Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media for the Omsk Region ISSN 1998-5320 (Print) I SSN 2587-943X (Online)

The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index database ( and the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals publishing main scientific findings of doctoral and Ph.D. theses.

Address of the editorial board and publisher: 644105, Omsk Region, Omsk, 4-ya Chelyuskintsev St., 2а.

Journal sections:

Section I. Philological sciences

Section II. Pedagogical sciences

Section III. Economic sciences

Main purposes:

to draw attention to the most relevant, promising, and interesting areas of the humanities;

• to give researchers and scientists an opportunity to report their achievements, the results of studies in the field of spiritual, mental, moral, cultural, and social human activities;

• to support young (novice) researchers;

• to arrange a wide exchange of scientific information between scientists from Russian and foreign universities and research organizations.

The publication frequency is four issues per year (March, June, September, December). The policy of the editorial board is based on the intention to ensure the quality presentation of incoming manuscripts. Papers are edited. If required, some comments are agreed with the authors. The editors have the right to make abbreviations and editorial changes to the text not affecting the paper content. The editorial board does not provide proofreading services. The views of the authors and the editorial board may not coincide. One of the key points is reviewing the published materials. The editorial board reviews and edits all incoming papers in accordance with the requirements for the publication of scientific literature.

Groups of scientific specialties/scientific specialties and related branches of science, in which academic degrees are awarded:

08.00.01 – Economic theory (economic sciences),

08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (by industries and activity areas) (economic sciences),

08.00.10 – Finance, money circulation and credit (economic sciences),

08.00.12 – Accounting, statistics (economic sciences),

08.00.13 – Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics (economic sciences),

08.00.14 – World economy (economic sciences),

10.01.01 – Russian literature (philological sciences),

10.01.02 – Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (indicating a specific literature or group of literatures) (philological sciences),

10.01.03 – Literature of peoples of foreign countries (indicating a specific literature) (philological sciences),

10.01.08 – Theory of literature. Textual criticism (philological sciences),

10.01.09 – Folklore studies (philological sciences),

10.01.10 – Journalism (philological sciences),

13.00.01 – General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences),

13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (by areas and levels of education) (pedagogical sciences),

13.00.08 – Theory and methodology of vocational education (pedagogical sciences).