V. N. Kartashovа
Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets, Russian Federation
Actualization of the intercultural competence of students in the process of
foreign language training at the university (on the example of holidays)
Abstract: The Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education requires school graduates to possess
intercultural communication skills. That is why it is so important and relevant to form intercultural competence among
future teachers. The purpose of the article is to describe the experimental work on the formation of cognitive component
intercultural competence’ in the process of foreign language educational and extracurricular activities of future bachelor
teachers based on the study of holidays and traditions of the people of the country of the studied language. The theoretical
analysis of scientific and methodological works exploring cultural traditions, and traditional holidays, the problem of the
formation of intercultural competence in students in the process of learning a foreign language at the university is carried
out. The empirical research methods were questionnaires and interviews with students. The article presents the results of experimental work on the formation of cognitive component intercultural competence based on the study of holidays
and traditions of the people of the country of the studied language in the process of foreign-language educational and
extracurricular activities of students in the field of training 44.03.05. Pedagogical education (with two training profiles).
Festive events held by students are described, examples of fragments of classes are presented, the results of experimental
training are analyzed, and data from a survey of students are given. In conclusion, it is summarized that holding holidays
is one of the effective forms of formation of the cognitive component intercultural competence of students in the process of
learning a foreign language in pedagogical areas of training.
Keywords: foreign language training, future bachelor-teacher, intercultural competence, cognitive component,
holidays, extracurricular activities, questionnaires.
Paper submitted: November 22, 2022.
For citation: Kartashovа V. N. (2024) Actualization of the intercultural competence of students in the process of
foreign language training at the university (on the example of holidays). Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities,
vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 172–181. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998-5320.2024.18.1.16.