G. V. Kosyakov
Omsk Humanitarian Academy, Omsk, Russian Federation
Artistic floristics in the late lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov
Abstract: The study is devoted to the study of artistic floristry in the late lyrics by M. Yu. Lermontov 1837–1841 in the
context of the dialogue between the cultural traditions. The purpose of the article is to reveal the role of figurative floristics
in creating an artistic picture of the world of the Russian romantic, in revealing the spiritual quest of a lyrical hero. The
study is carried out based on historical-literary, cultural-historical, historical-genetic, typological methods and methods
of holistic analysis. The results are in the disclosure of Lermontov’s innovation in the development of images of laurels,
palm trees, plane trees, pines, poplars and oaks, as well as images of leaves, lilies of the valley and lilies. In the context
of intercultural dialogue, artistic floristry participates in the development of the main motifs for the Russian poet’s work
(loneliness, wandering, fertile transformation), in individual myth-making, embodies conceptual ideas about the organic
unity of the earthly and heavenly worlds, the immortal soul, holiness, love, peace and freedom. Woody images in the lyrics of the Russian romantics become polyphonic. The article expands the ideas about the originality of the composition, plot
construction, chronotopes of Lermontov’s lyrical texts. It is concluded that the artistic floristry of Lermontov’s late lyrics is
a significant component of poetics, shaping allegorical, metaphorical and symbolic landscapes. Figurative floristry reflects
the features of artistic anthropology, epistemology, ontology and metaphysics in the lyrics of the Russian romantic. Artistic
floristry in Lermontov’s lyrics performs many functions, revealing the spiritual tragedy and search for the lyrical hero, the
blessed transformation of his soul; embodying ideas about the beauty and grandeur of the natural world. Artistic floristry
introduces both mythological archetypes (world tree) and Christian concepts of martyrdom, grace, paradise, love, freedom
and peace. The Russian romantic, depending on the characteristics of the lyrical context, strengthens or weakens the
gender- sounding of the floral cultural code.
Keywords: floristry, world tree, motif, concept, mythopoetics, religiosity, romanticism.
Paper submitted: May 15, 2023.
For citation: Kosyakov G. V. (2024) Artistic floristics in the late lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov. Russian Journal of Social
Sciences and Humanities, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 17–31. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998-5320.2024.18.1.2