Content aspects of iterative activity approach to train transport university students using simulator equipment

M. V. Karelina

Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russian Federation

Content aspects of iterative activity approach to train transport university
students using simulator equipment

Abstract: The study is devoted to the description of an iterative-activity training approach using high-tech simulator
equipment for students of transport universities. The article aims to reveal the peculiarities of the iterative-activity approach,
and to formulate the content of the concept of “iteration” and its psychological categories. The research is carried out
basedon theoretical methods. The paper formulates the main distinguishing features of “iteration” on the high-tech training
equipment, such as: forming professional competencies at several training stages: basic, user, and creative; the possibility
to practice skills at different training stages as often as necessary to form competencies; development of future specialist’s
professional qualities at each new, correlated and complicating training stage. The implementation of the “iterative-activity
approach” proposed in the study will optimise the students’ training using high-tech training equipment, the key factors of
the approach are repetitive activities at several complicating, precisely aligned, sequential stages and its techniques.

Keywords: iterative-activity approach, methodological approach, training, high-tech simulators, activity, intellect,
determination, stress-resistance, personality.

Paper submitted: July 24, 2023.

For citation: Karelina M. V. (2023) Content aspects of iterative activity approach to train transport university
students using simulator equipment. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 122–129. DOI:

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