Formation of readiness for professional-pedagogical activities among students of physical education university

Yu. Yu. Rayanova

Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports, Omsk, Russian Federation

Formation of readiness for professional-pedagogical activities among students of physical education university

Abstract. Insufficient development of the problem of professional readiness in the theory and practice of higher education showed the need to update the content, search for new methods, forms, means of its formation and made it possible to set a goal – theoretical and experimental substantiation of a set of methods and means of forming readiness for professional and pedagogical activity among students of a physical culture university. The research is conducted on the basis of testing methods and pedagogical experiment. The research involved 50 students of the Siberian State University of Physical Culture of the 3rd year specialized in «Physical culture». The author presents the results of a study of professional and pedagogical motivation, cognitive sphere, readiness for self-development, locus of control, personal qualities as indicators of readiness. The authors came to the conclusion that in order to achieve the set goals in the experimental group in the classroom on the discipline «Pedagogy of physical culture» methods of modeling quasi-professional activity, work in micro groups, the use of business games, mind maps, reflective diaries, etc. are used.

Keywords: physical education teacher, readiness for future professional and pedagogical activity, readiness components.

Paper submitted: February 4, 2021.

For citation: Rayanova Yu. Yu. (2021). Formation of readiness for professional-pedagogical activities among students of physical education university. The Science of Person: Humanitarian Researches, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 159–164. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.2.20.

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