Comparative analysis of respondent’s opinions concerning possibilities of successful startups and easy start of entrepreneurial activity

Yu. S. Pinkovetskaia

Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

Comparative analysis of respondent’s opinions concerning possibilities of successful startups and easy start of entrepreneurial activity

Annotation. The article is devoted to the actual problem of studying the opinions of the adult population about their desire to participate in entrepreneurship. The purpose of the study is to assess the opinions of people about the successful establishment of their businesses, as well as whether it is easy to become entrepreneurs in modern national economies. The research process included five stages. The opinions of adults on these issues are reflected in foreign scientific publications. In particular, in recent years, relevant studies have been published on the information of such countries as the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, China, Taiwan, India, as well as other countries. At the same time, attention was drawn to the existence of gender differences in people’s opinions. The study used the results of surveys conducted in 59 countries during the implementation of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring project as initial information. The work included a comparison of the values of six indicators for Russia and foreign countries. The study solved the problems of assessing the values of indicators that characterize the specific weight of men and women who believe that they are capable of being successful entrepreneurs, as well as assuming the possibility of easily creating their own businesses, in the total number of relevant gender strata. In addition, the relations that characterize the prevailing opinions of men and women in the countries under consideration were determined. The study was based on the development of economic and mathematical models describing the opinions of women and men on these issues. We performed a simulation of the distribution of the six indicators. The study found that in most countries there is a gender gap, meaning men are more optimistic about their potential participation in entrepreneurship. The countries where the maximum and minimum values of the six indicators were observed were identified. The results of our work have a certain theoretical and practical significance for governments and entrepreneurs. The methodological approach presented in the article to assessing people’s opinions about their participation in entrepreneurship can be used in further research

Keywords: entrepreneurship, easy start of business, successful activity, men, women.

Paper submitted: February 10, 2021.

For citation: Pinkovetskaia Yu. S. (2021). Comparative analysis of respondent’s opinions concerning possibilities of successful startups and easy start of entrepreneurial activity. The Science of Person: Humanitarian Researches, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 219–226. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.2.27.

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