Kh. G. Kibirov, O. V. Bondarenko, P. F. Askerov
Nikonov Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics – branch of the Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Economics,
Moscow, Russian Federation 2
Vernadsky Russian State University of National Economy, Balashikha, Russian Federation
Multiple regression model of infrastructure provision
for rural development
Abstract: The article deals with the issues of socioeconomic security in the rural territory of the Russian Federation.
Attention is focused on the need to create conditions for the development of the infrastructure of the territories under
consideration. The factors that led rural territories to a difficult economic situation are determined. The role of agricultural
holdings in the current development of rural areas is revealed. The experts’ assessment of the current state of the village
and the village is given. A meaningful analysis of the provision of the population of rural municipal formations of the Tambov region with housing and communal services, as well as social infrastructure, has been carried out. A model of
multiple regression has been developed reflecting the dependence of the number of able-bodied rural populations in the
municipal districts of the Tambov region on their provision of life support facilities, as well as rural social infrastructure.
The infrastructural security of the able-bodied rural population is considered the object of the study sinceit determines the
degree of anchoring of people in rural areas. Within the framework of this publication, a rating assessment of municipal
districts of the Tambov region was also carried out according to the degree of their provision of housing and communal and
social infrastructure. Based on the rating assessment, an integral indicator has been developed that reflects the impact of
rural social infrastructure on the number of able-bodied population in rural areas.
Keywords: rural territories, the balance of labor resources, social infrastructure, multiple regression equation, the
method of the sum of places, quasi-standing.
Paper submitted: September 11, 2023.
For citation: Kibirov Kh. G., Bondarenko O. V., Askerov P. F. (2023) Multiple regression model of infrastructure
provision for rural development. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 233–241. DOI: