D. R. Baetova, E. A. Dmitrenko
Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin, Omsk, Russian Federation
Financial capabilities of the population in the formation
of the deposit portfolio of banks
Abstract: The socio-economic changes taking place in our country necessitate the implementation of new approaches in
banking. The decrease in the share of the population’s funds in the resource base of the banking system and the predominance
of funds in demand accounts creates the problem of retaining the population’s funds in the banking system and stimulating the
placement of funds on term deposits. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the financial possibilities of forming term deposits
of the population, taking into account the influence of the main factors – the cost of living, wages, household size, interest rates,
etc. A variant of household banking services based on a family account is proposed, the feature of which is a more deliberate
spending of funds. To form term deposits, the “Family Account” service must include a current account for daily expenses and
a term deposit, which is replenished monthly in the amount of a percentage of household income established by the contract.
Calculations were made for the millionaire cities of various federal districts of the Russian Federation. In total, households
have the opportunity to accumulate over 20 % of the monthly family income, which will increase the share of term deposits
in the banking system and increase the stability of the deposit portfolio, as well as receive additional income for households.
Keywords: household income, deposit portfolio, family account.
Paper submitted: September 4, 2023.
For citation: Baetova D. R., Dmitrenko E. A. (2023) Financial capabilities of the population in the formation of the
deposit portfolio of banks. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 192–201. DOI: 10.57015/