Development of students’ digital literacy skills through the simulation model approach

N. S. Veremchuk
The Siberian State Automobile and Highway University, Omsk, Russian Federation

Development of students’ digital literacy skills through the simulation model approach

Abstract: In recent years, the main indicators of knowledge and skills are associated with the development of digital competencies and the improvement of digital literacy of students. This direction allows the use of digital tools and technologies in professional activities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of production. The article describes the use of a simulation model approach in the educational process to study the functioning of data transmission and processing systems under various workloads. The process of developing and researching a simulation model for processing requests by the server is considered. The model is implemented in the AnyLogic PLE software environment. The purpose of the study is to build a simulation model, study its functioning under various loads, aimed at identifying weaknesses and, as a result, timely taking measures to prevent computer failures and improve the performance of the company. It is shown how the simulation model approach is used in the educational process to analyze and predict the behavior of complex data processing

systems by the example of laboratory practicum on the “Simulation Modeling”discipline using domestic software. Due to the use of modern software tools in the educational process that support conducting computational experiments in real time, searching for optimal solutions, and graphical visualization of the results obtained, training becomes more convenient and visual. This makes it possible to form a high level of digital literacy skills among future university graduates.

Keywords: professional competencies, educational process, simulation model, AnyLogic PLE.

Paper submitted: October 27, 2022.

For citation: Veremchuk N. S. (2023) Development of students’ digital literacy skills  through  the  simulation model approach. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 179–187. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998- 5320.2023.17.3.19.

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