Wang Zhaowei
Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China
An image of the “new woman” in the work of Z. N. Gippius
(on the example of stories “Miss May” and “Apple trees are blooming”)
Abstract: The subject of the research for the author of the article was an image of the “new woman” in the work of
Z.N. Gippius (on the example of her prose “Miss May” and “Apple trees are blooming”). First of all, Z. N. Gippius’views about women and her concept of love are noted. On the basis of the selected ideas, the features of the “new woman” are characterized. In addition, the main differences between the images of the “new woman” in the prose of Z. Gippius and the images of women in the novels of I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Goncharov and N. G. Chernyshevskyare highlighted.
Keywords: the view about women, concept of love, new woman.
Paper submitted: July 23, 2023.
For citation: Wang Zhaowei (2023) An image of the “new woman” in the work of Z. N. Gippius (on the example of stories “Miss May” and “Apple trees are blooming”). Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 7–15. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998-5320.2023.17.3.1.