Features of the genre nature of the M. Petrosyan’s novel ‘‘The Gray House…’’

D. D. Sivokina
Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russian Federation

Features of the genre nature of the
M. Petrosyan’s novel ‘‘The Gray House…’’

Abstract: Determination of the genre of modern literary works is a difficult task. The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the genre nature of M. Petrosyan’s work ‘‘The Gray House…’’, namely the presence and functioning of three structures in it: a novel, autobiographical prose, and diary entries. The methodological basis is genre analysis, which makes it possible to highlight the features of different genres in different parts of the work, as well as narrative analysis: with the advent of a different genre structure, the narrator also changes. The novel structure reflects the composition of the work and manifests itself in the absence of a ready-made plot, “completion” (epilogue), which is due to constant movement, the development of characters, chronotope, and episodic description of events. Autobiographical prose is inherent in the part called Sideshow: the concentration of events around one character, retrospection, and the boundary between the author and the hero. Diary entries are presented in ‘‘Jackal’s eight-day book’’ and ‘‘Extract from the Diary of a Smoker’’, which trace the subjectivity of the writer, the focus on preserving the memory of the place and events. We can talk about the diffusion of genres since genres coexist together in the work.

Keywords: M. Petrosyan, ‘‘The Gray House…’’, genre, novel, diary entries, autobiographical prose, genre diffusion.

Paper submitted: February 13, 2023.

For citation: Sivokina D. D. (2023) Features of the genre nature of the M. Petrosyan’s novel ‘‘The Gray House…’’.
Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 32–39. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998-5320.2023.17.2.2.

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