
V. I. Khomiakov,
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department
of Journalism and Media Linguistics
Dostoevsky Omsk State University,
55 Mira ave., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-002-4434-3342
e-mail: vix50@yandex.ru


Introduction. Legal issues and the media. Interaction between the media and the judiciary. The spe-cifics of judicial journalism in the context of freedom of speech and the journalist’s right to receive judicial information.
Materials and Methods. The article is based on a general scientific methodology, historical and legal analysis, and general theory of gnoseology.
Results. Judicial journalism as a separate area of journalism is related to the need for legal infor-mation, which directly affects the relationship between journalists and the judiciary. The issue of transparen-cy of justice must be addressed in the context of the realization of freedom of speech in our society, which is particularly relevant at the present stage and can lead to meaningful social and legal results.
Conclusions. The author highlighted the main problems from the point of view of transparency of ju-dicial journalism, and considered the relationship between legal information and certain restrictions arising from the main provisions of the Russian Legislation.


Judicial journalism, transparency, freedom of speech.