
P. A. Stepnov,
Candidate of Science in Economics, Associate Professor,
Dostoevsky Omsk State University,
55 Mira ave., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5473-426Х
e-mail: s1a2p3@rambler.ru
E. V. Orlova,
Content Moderator,
Kamagames Studio,
20/1, Ovchinnikovskaya emb., Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation
e-mail: veronica_orlova_nica@mail.ru


Introduction. The authors attempted a comprehensive analysis of consumer behavior (choice) in a rela-tively specific segment of modern retail of building materials. Interdisciplinary research in current economic practice leads to a more realistic understanding of human behavior and decision-making in the economic sphere. As a methodological basis, the authors relied on interdisciplinary synthesis of approaches (institutionalism and neuromarketing) to the study of consumer behavior to expand the field of economic analysis. The aim of the study was: 1. The study of factors affecting the strategy of consumer behavior in the market of building and fin-ishing materials; 2. Analysis, i.e. identification, ranking and classification of the complex of motives and incen-tives of a modern buyer / consumer when choosing a product and service; 3. Formulation of practical recom-mendations to retailers and consumers.
Materials and Methods. In the course of the work, the program to study the behavior of shoppers at the Mall of LLC “Leroy Merlin” was developed and implemented. The authors used such research methods of con-sumer behavior as a questionnaire survey, a long-term observation and a non-scripted talk-interview.
Results. First, a representative sample from the client community of the trade network “Leroy Merlin” was carried out, followed by statistical distribution and analysis of the results. Second, a comprehensive stratifi-cation of the client base on a number of significant criteria was carried out. Third, on the basis of the collected materials, the specifics of the functioning of this retail segment were identified and analyzed. Competitive ad-vantages of the above company are defined. Fourth, recommendations are formulated for the retailer and for consumers, respectively.
Conclusions. Interdisciplinary concepts in modern economic theory and the same studies in practice lead to a more realistic understanding of human behavior in economic decision-making. In the course of the work, the research program of the clients’ behavior of LLC “Leroy Merlin” was developed and realized. Such research methods of consumer behavior as a questionnaire survey, an observation and a non-scripted talk- interview were chosen. The authors produced a group of clients on a set of important criteria and defined prevailing motives of their conduct in the field of the corresponding retail. They analyzed a number of important trends in retail and gave recommendations for the retailer and customers.


Retail, institutional analysis, marketing, neuromarketing, consumer behavior, interdisciplinary analysis, Kahneman’s system of thinking, dynamics factors, behavioral motive, alternatives, marketing effects.