
V. A. Evdokimov,
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor,
Omsk humanitarian Academy,
2а 4th Cheluskintsev st., Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation ORCID ID:


Introduction. The author has a goal to study the functions of immersive media, the possibilities of VR journalism to ensure the accuracy and completeness of informing the audience when reproducing fragments of reality, to satisfy the individual’s cognitive interests.

Methodology. The article is based on the general scientific methodology of historical and philosophi-cal analysis and on the general theory of knowledge.

Results. The materials of immersive journalism carry out informational, ideological, cognitive, inte-grative, prognostic, transformative, entertaining functions, and they are capable to realize a dysfunctional potential. Immersive media provide the audience with additional, approximate information about the phe-nomena of reality, recreate the contours of events, illustrate the messages received from primary sources. When transmitting information, VR-media form the conditions for creating a presence effect, serve as an ad-dition to traditional journalism, which aims to provide the audience with objective materials prepared on places of events and based on the examination of eyewitness accounts, document analysis.

Conclusions. Immersive media open up new opportunities for information consumers, serve as a tool for understanding the world around them, recreate a sequence of interrelated facts of reality. Works of VR-media, opening for people new opportunities in the knowledge of the world around us, are ambivalent. They entertain some individuals and create conditions for the others for understanding their own experience, rela-tionships with people around them, and ideas about the world order.


Virtual reality, immersive media, ethical norm, function.