
A. I . Korobchenko,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Irkutsk State Transport University
15 Chernyshevsky st., 664074, Irkutsk,Russian Federation


Introduction. The problem of developing students’ health protection competence is currently relevant in the social and pedagogical aspect. The constantly decreasing number of class tutorials at the University and the transfer to independent study of even such a discipline as “Physical training and sports” does not contribute to strengthening motor activity, preservation and strengthening students’ health. In this situation, physical training teachers need to propose their students new ways of organizing activities, both in class and in independent work. The article presents the author’s view on the solution of this problem in the framework of the discipline «Physical training and sports» using the example of formation of the motor mode of students. The emphasis is placed on the formation of students’ academic independence under the guidance of a teacher who purposefully organizes their activities aimed at developing motor activity. The author’s goal is to present the main conceptual provisions and technological steps that describe the activities of the teacher for the formation of the students’ motor mode.
Materials and Methods. The research is based on the methods of theoretical and empirical analysis. Methods of oral and written surveys and their mathematical processing are used. The author focuses on the competence-based approach as the most effective methodological basis for solving the stated problem. Mechanisms for developing skills for independent formation of the motor mode are based on the processes of interiorization and exteriorization developed within the framework of the activity approach.
Results. The author introduces the activities of a teacher who organizes the activities of students for formation of motor mode within the discipline “Physical training and sports”. Based on the results of observation, oral and written surveys, the level of motor activity of technical university students is studied using the example of 350 people.
Conclusions. The process of independent formation of the students ‘ motor mode under the guidance of the teacher should be carried out in accordance with the competence-activity approach and include all stages and components of the activities. The teaching of the discipline “Physical training and sports” should be reviewed in the logic of implementing three types of students’ activities: educational-research, educational- practical, and independent-practical ones. This logic applies to the development of various motor skills and allows students to master them in such a way as to perform them independently, consciously and without mistakes.


independent health protection, competence-activity approach, interiorization, exteriorization, motor mode, motor activity, independent formation of motor mode, educational independence, orientation schemes, reference maps, reference tables.

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