E. A. Golubeva,
candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Economics and project management in transport construction Siberian State Automobile and Highway University 5 Prospect Mira, Omsk, 644080, Russian Federation
M. I. Karamyshev,
engineer, Siberian State Automobile and Highway University 5 Prospect Mira, Omsk, 644080, Russian Federation
N. E. Kostyukov,
student Siberian State Automobile and Highway University 5 Prospect Mira, Omsk, 644080, Russian Federation


Problem and purpose. Enterprise management with strategic development allows analyzing careful- ly the internal structure of a construction company and ensures its readiness for the external environment changes entailing organizational changes. In the course of the operational activities, it is very important to detect and correctly interpret external changes in time, as well as to choose appropriate response actions involving the availability of strategic opportunities for the development, testing and implementation of new goods and services, technologies, organizational changes. The goal is to develop recommendations to choose the development strategy of the asphalt concrete plant. This work is a missionorientated research.

Methodology. The article gives an example of SWOT-analysis, being the basis for the development strategy of the asphalt concrete plant located in the West of Omsk region. This method of substantiating the choice of the enterprise strategy is recommended for road construction companies.

The results are in recommendations for the choice of a development strategy for the asphalt produc- tion plant located in the West of the Omsk region.

Conclusions. The authors came to the conclusion that it is necessary to choose a forward develop- ment strategy for successful work of the enterprise.

Keyword. Strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, threats, competitive environment, strategic plan- ning, strategic management.


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