А. S. Маksimоv, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, lecturer of the chair of criminology, psychology and pedagogics, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation,
e-mail: an-maksimov@bk.ru ORCID ID: http:orcid.org/0000-0002-8503-5610 7 pr. Коmаrоv, Omsk, 644092, Russian Federation
L. M. Маnuуlоvа,
candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of social pedagogics and social work chair Omsk State Pedagogical University
e-mail: manuylova_lm@mail.ru ORCID ID: http:orcid.org/0000-0002-1893-929Х
14 Naberezhnaya Tukhachevskogo, Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation


The article deals with the problem of the Internet risks influence on the gadget dependencies for- mation in senior adolescence. The purpose of the study is to analyze a number of subjective reasons for the unsafe use of modern gadgets by teenagers, the most common content and communication online threats that cause unsafe use of gadgets by teenagers, the negative consequences of their unsafe use.

The “Gadget Dependency” test (L.N. Yurieva and T. Yu. Bolbot) was used as a diagnostic method,  as well as the G. Eysenck’s questionnaire aimed at revealing the level of anxiety, frustration, aggression and rigidity of adolescents; some questionnaires developed by the authors to collect information concerning selfie dependence formation and the parents’ opinion identification about the possible dependence of their children on gadgets.

The analysis of results of gadgets and Internet dependence diagnostics among the 8-9th classes stu- dents of general education schools in Omsk (by means of 76 student and 38 parents examination) fore- grounds the problem of differentiated realization of prophylactic and correction work with students to overcome the internet-dependence, to form safe behavior skills in teenagers, to teach the parents the rules of work and communication in the Internet, to use the programs of paternal control, to organize the spare time and health saving mode of day regimen.

Keywords: risks of the Internet, reasons for unsafe gadgets use, Internet addiction, adolescents.


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