I. V. Robert,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, academician of Russian, Head of the Education Informatization Center of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Establish- ment “Education Management Institute of the Russian Academy of Education”
Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education 5/16, st. 1B Makarenko st., Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation ORCID ID:


Introduction. The article considers the factors conditioned by the achievements, challenges and risks of modern society, as well as the consequences of their influence on the learner, and the results of scientific and pedagogical activity that neutralize their negative influence are suggested.

Methodology. The theoretical-methodological and scientific-pedagogical foundations of the formation and development of a convergent education based on the realization of  the  features  of  modern education are substantiated and presented, which  determine the essential changes that occur in  it, which are partially and spontaneously implemented, but practically do not have positive scientific solutions. The definition of convergent education is substantiated and formulated from a scientific and pedagogical point of view.

Results. The methodological, scientific and methodological and pedagogical-technological bases for the development of convergent education are described and promising fundamental studies of its implementation are proposed.

Keywords: virtual reality; virtual communication; virtual object, virtual process; informatization of education; information activities; information interaction; information and communication technologies (ICT); convergent education; Convergence of pedagogical science and information and communication technologies; convergent pedagogical technologies; scientific and pedagogical practices; network education (self-education); transfer-integrative areas of scientific knowledge (transfer-zones).


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