S. Н. Muhametdinova,
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent, e-mail:
Omsk humanitarian Аcademy, 2а, 4th Cheluskintsev street, Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation
O. Yu. Shevchenko,
Аssociate Professor of Economics and management, e-mail:
Omsk State Technical University, 11, Prospekt Mira, Omsk, 644050, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the analysis of economic indicators from 2005 to 2014, characterizing the level of innovatisation of the Omsk region economy and the main types of costs innovatization such as human resources, the number of scientific developments, the growth of volume of innovative goods, works and services and increasing their share in the total volume of production etc. were taken into account.
In the course of work the correlation coefficients between gross regional product and various indica-tors of the level of innovatisation were identified. A mathematical model describing the functional depend-ence of the gross regional product and the cost of technological innovation and internal current expenses on R&D was developed. Scientific novelty of research results is in identification of influence degree of various economic indicators reflecting the level of innovatisation of the Omsk region economy on the gross region-al product on the basis of statistical data analysis for the period of 2005-2014 using the methods of correla-tion and regression analysis. Furthermore the authors developed the forecast of gross regional product growth by about 1 billion rubles, while the increased cost of process innovation is less than 2 % or 500 mil-lion roubles.
The results of the study presented in this article can be used by decision makers in the development of budgets at different levels, targeted to increase the level of economy innovatisation as separate adminis-trative units of the Omsk region.
innovative development of the region, innovatization, internal current expenditure on re-search and development, the cost of technological innovation, the gross regional product.