Typological modifications of a “thin” weekly (on the example of the magazine “Capital and Manor”)

V. I. Khomyakov


Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russian Federation

Typological modifications of a “thin” weekly (on the example of the magazine “Capital and Manor”)

Abstract: The typological palette of magazines of the early twentieth century can be reduced to several main directions. First, these are traditional thick magazines. The old magazines of the “encyclopedic” type such as “The Gazette of Europe”, “Russian Wealth”, “Russian Thought” and others continued to be published, and at the turn of the century there were magazines-manifestos (“World of Art”, “Golden Fleece”, “Apollo” etc.), they became a unique phenomenon in the history of Russian journalism. The rise of the thin weekly magazines was exactly at the beginning of the century: “Niva”, “Around the World”, “The Herald and the Library of Self-Education” and others. A separate niche was taken by party publications (“Modern World”, “Thought”, “Enlightenment” etc.). Finally, at the beginning of the century, the production of specialized magazines (theatrical, musical, economic, etc.) intensified. In this series, the magazine “Capital and Manor” (1913–1917) has a special place. It is interesting to analyze the typicaling features of this publication, which ultimately affected the creation of a universal model of cultural and historical magazine. The basis for the study was the general methodology of historical-philosophical analysis, general theory of cognition, both general methods and private methods. The leading ones in the study are descriptive and typological approaches. The illustrated journal of cultural and historical type forms a holistic view of the world. The concept of the Russian manor, the appeal to the noble manor culture, the popularization of secular life allows us to talk about a new type of publication. The scope of publications in the magazine “Capital and Manor” of the early 20th century allows us to conclude that many fundamental things laid by the first editor of the magazine V. P. Krymov can find a peculiar continuation in the magazine of the perestroika period “Our Legacy” and in modern glossy journalism.

Keywords: cultural and historical magazine, readership, typology of magazines, thin weekly.

Paper submitted: Jane 19, 2021.

For citation: Khomyakov V. I. (2022). Typological modifications of a “thin” weekly (on the example of the magazine “Capital and Manor”). Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 85–91. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998- 5320.2022.16.1.10.

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