Professionally-oriented foreign language education in the higher military school through the prism of information system-categorical methods

M. R. Vanyagina

Saint-Petersburg military Zhukov’s order Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Professionally-oriented foreign language education in the higher military school through the prism of information system-categorical methods

Abstract. Foreign languages are studied by students in different spheres, including a military one. The design of professionally-oriented foreign language education system at the tertiary level should be based on a solid scientific basis, as well as using proper methodology. Informational system-categorical methods have proved their effectiveness in numerous works of scientists of the Omsk scientific school and their followers. These methods perform complex modeling of the object based on information criteria and essential characteristics. They use universal philosophy laws. The author has applicated the methods “range of information criteria”, “sequence of purposes” and “final information flow”, while describing foreign language education at a higher military school. The models of education were obtained. There are consistently complicated levels of mastery of a foreign language: elements of a language, receptive speech, the use of information, productive speech, strategic communication, universal communication. The hierarchy of goals, sub-goals and upper goals of foreign language education is considered. The goal of developing foreign-language communicative competence is decomposed for tasks. This goal is also a sub-goal for the higher educational purpose – training of a qualified military specialist. Logical levels of foreign language education are presented. They show the expanding areas of use of a foreign language: language for domestic communication; language for educational and informational purposes; language for professional communication; language for universal purposes. Object modeling allows us to see opportunities for development and manage the training system.

Keywords: system-categorical methodology, range of information criteria, sequence of purposes, final information flow, foreign language education, professionally-oriented language education, higher military school.

Paper submitted: February 1, 2021.

For citation: Vanyagina M. R. (2021). Professionally-oriented foreign language education in the higher military school through the prism of information system-categorical methods. The Science of Person: Humanitarian Researches, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 123–130. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.2.15.

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