Poetics of the epic text versification in A. S. Pushkin’s oeuvre of 1830s


P. R. Kozdrin

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


The paper deals with the features of the epic text versification in the works of A. S. Pushkin using the material of “The Wanderer” (1835) and “Alphonse sits on a horse…” (1836). The genre of these works is rather peculiar and unique; it cannot be determined unambiguously from the position of the traditional genre system of Russian poetry of the early XIX century. Pushkin’s texts involve elements inherent in the epic and lyrical literary genre, the genres of ballads, parables, and confessions. Reproduction of the allegorical novel by J. Bunyan “The Pilgrim’s Progress” (1687) and the picaresque novel by the Polish writer J. Potocki “The Manuscript Found in Saragossa” (1805) in a lyrico-epic form is a conscious creative choice of the Russian poet, which, in our opinion, is determined by ideological and artistic peculiarities of the original works, as well as principles of Pushkin’s creative evolution. The event described by prose is always temporary, objective and meaningful only to a specific hero at a particular moment of speaking. The poetry reveals the modal, relative nature of time, comprehending eternal in the temporal. Within the framework of a small lyrico-epic text, the Russian poet brings poetic and prosaic speech closer together with the help of numerous inversions and enjambments, dialogues and colloquial vocabulary. The plot, detailed topography, and objectivity in these works are combined with lyrical confession, expression, and psychologically determined acoustic and rhythmomelodic patterns. These lyrico-epic texts are seamlessly blended into Pushkin’s “spiritual” poetic testaments of 1835 and 1836.


Poetics, lyrico-epos, intercultural dialogue, versification.

Paper submitted:

December 9, 2020.

For citation:

Kozdrin P. R. (2020) Poetics of the epic text versification in A. S. Pushkin’s oeuvre of 1830s. The Science of Person: Humanitarian Researches, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 17–24. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2020.14.4.2.