Features of the use of digital educational and methodological content in the process of teaching mathematics for the development of cognitive interest of students

M. S. Popov
School No. 597 “New Generation”, Moscow, Russian Federation

Features of the use of digital educational and methodological content
in the process of teaching mathematics for the development of cognitive interest of students

Abstract: The article presents the features of the formation of digital educational and methodological content (DEMC) and its use for the organization of educational and cognitive activity in the process of teaching mathematics. The structure of the DEMC is determined and its components are described and presented in the form of theoretical, practical and diagnostic blocks. The basic requirements for the formation of the composition of the DEMC are formulated. The methodological goals of its use for the development of cognitive interest of students in the process of teaching mathematics are determined. The structure of the math lesson conducted using the DEMC is described; the aim of the lesson is to develop the cognitive interest of students. Examples of the use of educational materials included in the DEMC are presented.

Keywords: digital educational and methodological content, DEMC, development of cognitive interest, educational and cognitive activity, video tutorial, didactic capabilities of ICT tools.

Paper submitted: July 14, 2022.

For citation: Popov M. S. (2022) Features of the use of digital educational and methodological content in the process of teaching mathematics for the development of cognitive interest of students. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 107-115. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998-5320.2022.16.4.13.

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