Motives of silence and death in M. Tournier’s tale “Les Suaires de Veronique” and P. Quignard’s novel “La Barque silencieuse”

O. A. Shevchenko
Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russian Federation

Motives of silence and death in M. Tournier’s tale “Les Suaires de
Veronique” and P. Quignard’s novel “La Barque silencieuse”

Abstract: The article analyzes the realization of the motives of silence and death in Michel Tournier’s tale “Les Suaires de Veronique” and Pascal Quignard’s novel “La Barque silencieuse”. The analysis is based on the comparison of the leading themes, the mythopoetics of the plots and representations, the interpretation of the myth, the significance of autobiographical, pseudobiographical and historical inserts. The author’s individual styleis traced in the texts;it is expressed through the presence of a narrator being a reflection of the author. Much attention is paid to the philosophical content of the texts because the works have a strong philosophical basis. The plots of some chapters of “La Barque silencieuse” are based on myths (for example, the myth of Orpheus), and the tale “Les Suaires de Veronique” generates a myth. The article substantiates the idea of synthesis to debunk, destroy a myth and, simultaneously to create a new onein the same text space.

Keywords: motif, literary tale, novel, myth, mythopoetics, representation, plot.

Paper submitted: January 13, 2022.

For citation: Shevchenko O. A. (2022) Motives of silence and death in M. Tournier’s tale “Les Suaires de Veronique” and P. Quignard’s novel “La Barque silencieuse”. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 32-39. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998-5320.2022.16.3.3.

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