Formation of readiness of future vocational training teachers to implement inclusive education

H. H. Rybakova, O. L. Osadchuk
The Siberian State Automobile and Highway University, Omsk, Russian Federation

Formation of readiness of future vocational training
teachers to implement inclusive education

Abstract: The problem of the study is the formation of readiness for inclusive education among future teachers of vocational training. The purpose of the study is the theoretical justification and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the formation of future teachers of vocational training readiness to implement inclusive education through psychological training. Subjective and activity-based approaches were used. Methods of psychological and pedagogical testing, analysis of products of activity were used. The components, criteria, and diagnostic methods of future teachers of vocational training of readiness to implement inclusive education are determined. The empirical results of the formation of readiness for inclusive education among future teachers of vocational training are presented. Psychological tolerance training has a positive potential for the formation of readiness for inclusive education among future teachers of vocational training.

Keywords: inclusion, inclusive education, readiness to implement inclusive education, psychological training, tolerance.

Paper submitted: May 6, 2022.

For citation: Rybakova H. H., Osadchuk O. L. (2022) Formation of readiness of future vocational training teachers to implement inclusive education. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 90-102. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998-5320.2022.16.3.9.

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