The Influence of marketing instruments on the bayer behavior in case of organic products


V. I. Blagoev, Е. Р. Shustova, I. V. Mishchenko

Varna University of Management, Bulgaria, Sofia
Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan
Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation


As result of the coronavirus pandemia we can expect that the role of health-related businesses, such as organic agriculture, in the development of the regional and national economies will increase significantly. According to the World Bank the market of organic products is today one of the most dynamic developing in the world. The growth of organic consumption is twice the growth rate of the food market as a whole. According to experts, by 2025 the volume of the market of organic products can amount to 3-5 % of the world market of agricultural products. The largest demand for bio products is found in developed countries, where there is already considerable experience in the production and promotion of them. This way, the main leaders in the volume of the organic products market are the USA (45 %), Germany (14 %) and France (8 %) At the same time, demand for this type of products is growing all over the world. For example, in Russia, demand for organic products is growing faster than the global average – by 23 % per year. Despite this rate, organic products in Russia still account for only 0.1 % of the country’s total food market. This is also related to the fact that organic products are quite a young concept on the territory of the countries of the Eurasian Union. Today the consumer does not have a clear idea of what organic products are, what requirements are placed on them. To solve this problem and gain bigger market share, companies must apply modern marketing strategies, as well as use the experience of advanced countries in this field. In our research we compare the effectiveness of marketing instruments on the buyer behaviour in case of organic products in Bulgaria, Altay region in the Russian Federation and East Kazakhstan. These three regions have potential to develop as big producers and exporters of organic agricultural products.


Marketing instruments, bayer behavior, organic products, food market.

Paper submitted:

February 10, 2021.

For citation:

Blagoev V. I., Shustova Е. Р., Mishchenko I. V. (2021). The Influence of marketing instruments on the bayer behavior in case of organic products. The Science of Person: Humanitarian Researches, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 165–171.
DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.1.18.

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