
Yu. S. Pinkovetskaia
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Ulyanovsk State University,
42 Leo Tolstoy St., Ulyanovsk, 432017, Russian Federation
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8224-9031
Researcher ID: D-3051-2017
e-mail: judy54@yandex.ru


Introduction. Female entrepreneurship plays an important role in the development of modern national economies. The purpose of the article is to assess the entrepreneurial activity of women, their motivational preferences, as well as a comparative analysis of female and male entrepreneurship in the early stages.

Methodology. The study is based on the methods of statistical, economic and mathematical analysis. It is based on the analysis of empirical data on 48 countries obtained in the process of global entrepreneur-ship monitoring.

Results. The article examines the current level of early entrepreneurial activity, including indicators of voluntary and forced entrepreneurship of women, as well as the gender gap. The density functions of the normal distribution developed by the author are presented.

Conclusions. The authors came to the conclusion that the indicators of women’s participation in en-trepreneurial activities in the early stages have significant differentiation across countries. It is shown that the levels of early entrepreneurial activity in these countries are in a very wide range (from 2.8% to 40.7%). The predominance of voluntary motivation of modern female entrepreneurs in the vast majority of countries is proved. It has been found that in most countries (40 out of 48) the gender gap in business activity does not exceed 50% at present. Countries with high and low values of early entrepreneurial activity, voluntary and forced entrepreneurship were identified.


Early-stage entrepreneurial activity, female entrepreneurship, motivation, necessity-driven entrepreneurs, opportunity-driven entrepreneurs, gender gap.