V. G. Puzikov,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, full member of the International pedagogical Academy, Omsk humanitarian Academy, 2а 4th Cheluskintsev st., Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation; Omsk State Pedagogical University, 14 Naberezhnaya Tukhachevskogo, Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation


Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of the relationship of the tandem – the formation of personality and the destiny, designated by the pedagogical and philosophical sciences as a possible prob- lem of human existence in the field of education. The scientific decision of the problem is due to the insuf- ficient elaboration of the concepts “personality formation” and “human destiny”. What stimulates the need for a special study on the formation of the personality and destiny of a person, as well as identifying the role of education in this process.

Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was the paradigm philosophical-pedagogical analysis of modern education, which reflects the tendencies to change paradigms – ideas about the role of education in society and the destiny of man, as well as factorial analysis of the problems of interaction be- tween education and society in the process of personality formation and its destiny.

Rezults. The reconstruction of interpretations and the essential understanding of education at various stages of the development of society has been completed. It is shown how education creates individual forms, the image and character of a person, and how a person transforms his own nature, himself through education. An effective way of “giving education” has been fixed – this is an internal transformation of ob- jective knowledge coming from outside into the student’s spiritual activity state. It is proved that the pene- trating power of education, creating the image (personality) and the destiny of a person, is embedded in the transformation of his natural inclinations into his abilities, balanced by values and semantic guidelines.

Conclusions. The scientific analysis carried out within the framework of this article allows us to draw a number of conclusions that, in the context of education, the cognitive subject is mastered not only  by general educational and specialized professional knowledge, but also by the prolonged effect of acquired knowledge on the student’s personality. Education constructs not only social reality, but also a personality, determines the events and actions of a person, predetermines his life path and destiny.

Keywords: education, experience, abilities, knowledge, “society-knowledge”, the formation of per- sonality, the destiny of man.


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