E. P. Shcherbakov,
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work, Omsk humanitarian Academy, 2а 4th Cheluskintsev st., Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation
A. A. Makenov,
Assistant of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work,
Research teacher, Omsk humanitarian Academy,
2а 4th Cheluskintsev st., Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation
e-mail: ORCID ID:


Introduction. The study of aggression and aggressiveness phenomena by scientists continues to this day, since the problem of its manifestation in society is of destructive character. Different psychological schools have their own theories on this problem explaining the causes of aggressiveness emergence and what consequences they lead to. Also, these theories have their drawbacks, since they consider these phenomena only from the point of view of their school and exclude other determinants that affect aggression and aggressiveness.

Materials and methods. National and foreign theories of the occurrence and dynamics of aggression and aggressiveness phenomena in individuals are analyzed.

Results. The article analyzes the theory of instincts, psychoanalysis, behavior and the theories of Russian psychologists. The theory of K. Lorentz and the Freudian theory supplement each other.

Conclusions. The assumption of the emergence and dynamics of aggressiveness in theories is based on psychology subject consideration in the very school. This is a limitation of these theories.

Keywords: aggression, aggression, theories of aggression, the phenomenon of aggression, the phe- nomenon of aggression, foreign theories of aggression, domestic theories of aggression.


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