Scottish emigrational poetic discourse of the XIXth century: educational context

L. R. Velilaeva
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Simferopol, Russian Federation


The aim of the article is the research of Scottish emigrational discourse in its educational aspect.
The material of the analysis is Scottish emigrational poetry of the XIXth century. The paper involves such methods of investigation and analysis: historic-biographical, contrastive, method of actual commentation, methods of statistical and gender analysis.
On the basis of comparative analysis of the educational systems of both Scotland and the USA, it is revealed that they have differential and common features of educational process. Three levels of education common for both countries are revealed: general school education provided by schools, special education provided by colleges and higher education provided by universities. Scottish school education in the XIX century was based on parish schools, burgh schools and endow schools. In the USA school education was implemented by parish school only. It is assumed that special education and higher education were almost the same for both countries. Special attention is paid to the system of girls and women’s education. Common tendency for both countries of that period was the fact that it was formed and functioned later than male’s and not with the same educational curriculum. Authors’ biographies are analyzed in the context of the educational research. It is determined that among 28 poets only 2 got higher education. Nevertheless poetical analysis reveals high versification technique, complicated stylistics and genre variety of Scottish emigrants’ poetical works. Such results could be achieved due to the self-education of Scottish poets-emigrants and their strong connections with Scottish literary tradition which the continued to develop in the USA.
The research allows the formulation of the following results:
Emigrational discourse of the USA’s Scotts of the XIX century is an independent segment in the contexts of both American and Scottish literatures of that period.
Educational aspect is reflected in them, both directly and indirectly. It is reflected indirectly in their biographies and literary preferences.
Directly the coverage and character of their scholarship reflected in their poetical texts. The usage of national and world literary preferences can be regarded as forms of such textualization.
The most influential of those traditions were traditions of 1) national folklore, 2) national bookish classics, 3) Holy Scripture and Tradition (for Scots they were the Bible and works/biographies of Christian Saints).
Combination of traditionalism and novelty influenced other aspects of the poetry under consideration: gender, philosophical, parody-humorous, etc. They reveal new perspectives of further researches.


Scotland, the USA, XIX century, emigration, discourse, poetry, education (male and female).

Paper submitted:

May 29, 2020

For citation:

Velilaeva L.R. (2020). Scottish emigrational poetic discourse of the XIXth century: educational context. The Science of Person: Humanitarian Researches, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 13–17. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2020.14.2.2

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