G. G. Babalova,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department Russian and Foreign Languages, Omsk State Transport University, 35 Marx Ave., Omsk, 644046, Russian Federation
S. N. Shirobokov,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Education Department, Omsk State Pedagogical University, 14 Naberezhnaya Tukhachevskogo, Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation


Introduction. Despite the fact that the phenomena of synonymy is very rare in terminology, it takes place in computer terminology. More often, such synonyms are used in oral speech but not so rarely, they could be found in computer literature. The majority of computer synonyms are syntactical synonyms that is terms coinciding in structure and meaning. There are abbreviations used as synonyms in computer terminol- ogy. The phenomenon of absolute synonymy takes place in this terminology.

The phenomenon of synonymy in terminology is sharply criticized. However, in computer terminolo- gy it takes place. Most often, such synonyms are used in oral speech, but they can be found in texts on com- puter subjects. The purpose of this work is to study the problem of synonymy in the communicative process of “human being-computer”, in particular, where and how synonyms are used in computer terminology, how often it is possible to find synonymous terms in texts on computer subjects, and what types of synonyms are most typical for computer terminology.

Materials and methods of the research conducted is the description and analysis of synonymic corre- spondences of the terms of computer science, where the term-phrases prevail, i.e., syntactic synonyms. The material of textbooks, articles and lexicographic sources illustrates the phenomenon of synonymy in comput- er terminology.

Results. The results of the research conducted allow us to state the fact that the most frequently used form of synonymy are the synonymic correspondences “word-combination ¬® word combination”. Quite often you can find synonyms – abbreviations. In speech, the most commonly used are absolute synonyms.

Conclusions. Synonymy in computer terminology is not such a rare phenomenon. The authors of many textbooks, articles, dictionaries on computer science in English actively use synonyms for the designa- tion of a device, operations, commands, etc. EMV users constantly use synonyms in colloquial speech.

Keywords: synonymy, computer terminology, syntactical synonyms, processes, devices, abbreviation.


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