O. V. Selezneva,
Сandidate of Рedagogical Sciences, Associate Рrofessor, Omsk Automobile Armored Engineering Institute, 14 military town, Cheremushki village, Omsk, 644098, Russian Federation


Introduction. The higher military education faces the task of forming an environmentally-oriented personality of a serviceman who is able to effectively and qualitatively solve tasks of ensuring environmental security in the military-professional activity. The content of existing textbooks on military nature management reflects the basic military ecological directions. In the context of optimizing the educational process military higher-education teaching personnel faces the urgent issue of selecting the content of the course of Ecology that corresponds to the education requirements taking into account the military specialty to the fullest extent as possible. The purpose of this article is to develop an approach to solving this issue.

Methodology. The content selection is based on the requirements of the governing documents in the field of military nature management; theoretical approaches to the creation of an educational environment for the formation of an eco-oriented worldview of the personality of a specialist in the society of military academic institution; the provision of the systemic approach that the components of the educational process are in interrelation with each other.

Result. The text presents the author’s view on the solution of the issue of selecting the content of the course of Ecology for specialists in the automotive technical support of the troops: the general and specific goals are formulated, the tasks arising from them are defined; the basic ideas of the course are well- founded; the role of interdisciplinary connections of the disciplines of the specialization and professional cycle with Ecology is defined.

Conclusion. The practical significance of the conducted study is to develop an approach to the content for the course of Ecology, taking into account the military specialty of students.

Keywords: military education, military ecology, content of Ecology course.


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