S. N. Klimenko,
postgraduate, Omsk humanitarian Academy, 2а 4th Cheluskintsev st., Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2111-4181
O. Yu. Patlasov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector of Omsk regional Institute,
20, Lenin str. Omsk, 644024, Russian Federation, Vice-rector of the Omsk humanitarian Academy,
2а 4th Cheluskintsev st., Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation ORCID ID: http:orcid.org/0000-0003-2015-1474,
Scopus Author ID: 56437696900 e-mail: opatlasov@mail.ru


Introduction. Problem. Differences in scales, climatic conditions, population density of territories and also sequestering and uneven budgetary distribution have impact on territorial formations development. In political and personnel aspects the territory financial analysis technique weighs with efficiency assessment of the public and municipal administration and with territories administration efficiency.

Purpose. To consider and reveal the factors described in national and foreign science having impact on a financial condition of regions.

Methods and methodology. Such methods as that functional, system, formal and logical, statistical methods as well as synthesis and the comparative analysis are used.

Results. Theoretical, organizational and legal aspects in the territorial entities financial condition assessment in national and foreign practice are considered. Certain factors influence on regions development has been analyzed, as well as the indicators of territories financial stability.

Summary. An attempt to highlight the key moments of territorial entities development has been made and the existed practice for the region’s economic development analysis has received an authoritative assessment.

Keywords: territorial entities, financial stability, municipality, regions, inter-budget relations, financial indicators


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