A. V. Kuzyukova, senior lecturer of the Department of foreign languages, Siberian State Automobile and Highway University,
5 Prospect Mira, Omsk, 644080, Russian Federation ORCID ID: e-mail:
M. V. Tsyguleva,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of foreign languages Department,
Siberian State Automobile and Highway University, 5 Prospect Mira, Omsk, 644080, Russian Federation ORCID ID:


Introduction. The article actualizes the problem of developing professional mobility of the students who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree in engineering at technical universities. The aim of the article is to reveal the essential features of “professional mobility”.

Materials and methods. Content analysis, questionnaire, and qualitative and quantitative interpreta- tion of the results are the methods that were used in the research.

Results. The authors analyze the phenomenon of mobility. They note that a man has been interested in mobility for a long time and different scientists pay attention to it. The authors believe that one of the purposes of higher engineering education should be development of professional mobility. They are con- ducting a content analysis of the term “professional mobility” found in up-to-date researches. According the results, almost all the definitions represent the features of vertical upward mobility and/or horizontal mo- bility. The definition given by V.O. Sycheva seems to be the most similar to the authors’ concept. Thus, “professional mobility” is considered as readiness and ability to move within one or several occupations to achieve personal significant goals. It is evident to the authors that there exists a relationship between stu- dent mobility and professional mobility. That is why the researchers carried out a survey in order to reveal the tendency to mobility among future engineers. 47 second-year bachelors of the Siberian State Automo- bile and Highway University (SibADI) were the participants. They were offered 12 questions to answer. Interpretation of the results made the authors to establish the fact that the majority of technical students tend to be passive in their study. Moreover, 79 % of students do not take part in contests of any kinds, 83% nev- er exchange information at conferences and 66 % prefer not to participate in competitions. As for the addi- tional education, only 23 % of the respondents are getting it. Different scientists associate the term “profes- sional mobility” with success in professional activity. The most common characteristics that the scientists assign to professional mobility include adaptability, self-dependence, self-knowledge, self-development, self-education capabilities. All of them have only positive, “upward” connotation. This statement was proved by 52 students and 19 teachers of “SibADI”. It may explain abundance of papers where teachers are trying to provide conditions to develop the characteristics mentioned above.

Conclusions. It has been noticed that there is no such ability as lack of procrastination among the professional mobility characteristics. The suggestion to include it into the list of the essential characteristics is substantiated by the following. First, lack of procrastination implies overcoming obstacles that you may come across. Secondly, adaptable, self-dependent, self-developing, self-studying, creative, communicative, and open-minded people can be immobile and their immobility does not affect the quality of their profes- sional activity. Thirdly, a lot of students (68%) do not systematically cope with their learning tasks; pass their tests and examinations with great delay. All this suggests that there is dependence between ability to professional mobility and the level of procrastination of future engineers.

Keywords: mobility, professional mobility, characteristics of professional mobility, new-generation engineer, passivity, procrastination.


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