Didactic potential of virtual reality technology

L. Zh. Kozhabayeva
Omsk Humanitarian Academy, Omsk, Russian Federation

Didactic potential of virtual reality technology

Abstract. The article considers the identification of promising directions of didactic research, the expansion of
its research field as a scientific problem. In the article, the provisions of general didactics are concretized in relation to
new objects included in its research field, the problems of didactics of higher education are considered. The presence
References and development of new computer, communication and sensor technologies have opened up wonderful and exciting
opportunities for the development of a new learning environment. Virtual reality is a new concept for creating a more
powerful and rewarding learning environment than the existing technology-based learning approaches by incorporating
new technologies and new learning criteria. The purpose of the article is to describe the change in the research field of
didactics, to characterize the emergence of new objects of study. This article clarifies the current situation in the field
of maintaining educational applications on the web. This article lists known issues regarding the design of educational
applications in general, as well as specific issues related to educational applications intended to be published on the
Internet. Some comparison of widely used methods for creating and maintaining educational applications on the web.
Thus, we propose a new approach to this particular problem, which, we believe, solves a number of problems associated
with the topic.

Keywords: virtual reality, category, didactic system, interactive self-study, self-development, efficiency.

Paper submitted: May 6, 2021.

For citation: L. Zh. Kozhabayeva (2021) Didactic potential of virtual reality technology. The Science of Person:
Humanitarian Researches, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 151–158. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.3.18.

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