Photojournalism and fine-art photography magazines: typological features


E. S. Radiontseva

Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russian Federation


The article presents the study results of typological features of online media considered fine-art photography and photojournalism. Such publications are considered as a specialized media segment. Currently, the Internet has
accumulated an information corpus about photography and photojournalism, but there are no universal resources of a representative nature that would allow anyone to get complete, comprehensive information of a systematic nature. The article presents the most famous, bright, interesting digital resources about fine-art photography and photojournalism, structured on different grounds. The analysis is based on empirical data i.e. open Internet sources about digital media;
their specialization is based on the research and presentation of photographic content. As a methodological framework the author applied a universally recognized typological division of electronic media by the method of an electronic resource production, the presenting information scheme, targeting and regularity of content updates and methods of information transmission. The author proceeds from the idea that Russia has always been a leader in fine-art photography and it is still true. The text of the article is accompanied by numerous examples indicating the reliability of the information provided.
The material can be useful not only for journalists, but also for amateur photographers.