Vol. 15 • No. 4 • 2021



A. E. Eremeev
Aesthetic and poetic functions of “Boris Godunov” tragedy by Alexander Pushkin

N. K. Kozlova, V.Yu. Bagrintseva
“Notes From A Dead House” by F. M. Dostoevsky and other Omsk evidences of the folk drama existence

E. I. Kopteva
“My Past & Thoughts” by A. I. Herzen as the source for “The Writer’s Diary” by F. M. Dostoevsky

S. G. Sizov
Discussion of F. M. Dostoevsky’s ideas and works in the White-Guard Omsk press in 1919

N. V. Prodanik, A. V. Podvornya
Regional aspect in Russian classics teaching: Dostoevsky in literature lessons

N. V. Maksheeva, E. E. Komarova
Kurosawa’s in the intermedial and cross-cultural transcoding of “Idiot” novel by F. M. Dostoevsky: motives, images, symbols, philosophical content

Nure Jannat
Autobiographical materials and fiction in female images in “Doctor Zhivago” novel

L. R. Velilaeva
Comparative analysis of the USA and Scotland’s artistic images in the poetic texts of the Scottish poets- emigrants in the USA in the XIXth century

Liu Xi
The metaphorical representations of the parable of Prodigal Son in dramatic works of Nicolay Kolyada


S. G. Chukhin, E. V. Chukhina
Paradigm level of the concept design for of the Russian civil identity formation in schoolchildren

I. I. Novikova, M. A. Lobkis, М. V. Semenihina, N. A. Zubzovskaya, L. B. Grabko
The assessment of schoolchildren distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

N. V. Savina, A. A. Beznosyuk
Development of professionally important qualities in cadets of flight specialties

S. A. Rassada, O. V. Freze
Models of teaching foreign language communication skills and examples of their implementation in practice

Yu. D. Ovchinnikov, V. A. Yakunina, V. V. Shpet
Practice-oriented project in remote format performed by a Physical Education teacher

I. A. Chemerilova
Art-therapy methods in the practice of a family support for parents of children with special needs

E. S.Radiontseva
Taking a stroll in virtual reality as a new educational trajectory

Zh. N. Telnova, V. L. Malashenkova, M. V. Myakisheva, E. V. Namsink
Organizational and pedagogical conditions of preschool children patriotic education

K. I. Eseshkin
Personalized approach use in professional training when building an individual educational route for a college student


V. V. Biryukov, N. E. Alekseyev
Value theory dualism and the paradigmatic reconsideration of the insight into economic reality picture

T. I. Zakharova
Staffing quality monitoring in the agro-industrial complex of the region

S. S. Marochkina, Yu. V. Suvorova
Trends and new tools in the work of digital marketers

D. V. Morozov
Scientific-industrial cluster opportunities to implement import substitution programs for biotechnology enterprises

E. A. Orlyansky
Economic theory as the basis for the theory of urban economics

Ye. V. Rozhkov
Commercial potential of municipal property: assessment method and development direction

A. V. Titova
Religious organizations reports

In memory of the outstanding scientist, Tatiana Georgievna Leonova