Vol. 15 • No. 3 • 2021



N. V. Korataeva
Biography of Leo Tolstoy interpreted through the prism of the “estate” approach: “L. N. Tolstoy. His life and literary activity” an essay by E. V. Solovyov

O. M. Kolesnikov
Biblical quotation as an attribute in Chekhov’s prose

E. N. Rymareva
The concept of “motherland” in the collection of selected poems “Confession of a pagan” by A. S. Tarkhanov

E. P. Garanina
The lyric cycles by Dmitry Vodennikov: ways of creating artistic unity

E. V. Belikova
“Only an Englishwoman…”: representation of the English national character in “Villette” by Charlotte Brontё

O. G. Terentyeva
Textology peculiarities of etymological dictionaries entries on the example of the description of historical features of prefixes with ancient semantics of collectivity, connection

E. V. Shashkova
Regional periodicals of the agro-industrial complex: problem-thematic, functional-genre specificity (on the example of the “Rural Siberia” publication)


N. V. Gerova, A. V. Rogatinskaya
Spiritual and moral education of children in the context of digital transformation of education

L. А. Shkor, H. V. Torkhava
Non-institutional practices of polyartistic education as a pedagogical phenomenon: historical context

N. V. Belyaeva
Modernization of teaching literature at schools in the context of digital transformation of education

L. M. Маnuуlоvа, А. S. Маksimоv
Formation of juvenile’s legal literacy as a pedagogical problem

N. I. Churkina
Methodological program to form functional literacy in pupils

G. A. Kuvshinova
Design education in the Scandinavian countries and Italy at the present stage

M. A. Larionova
Correlation of self-esteem of psychological well-being and motivational personality profile

N. P. Murzina, E. V. Namsink
Network interaction of a university and an educational organizations in the development of a patriotic education program for preschoolers

E. A. Noskov, E. V. Lopanova, N. V. Gerova
Organizational forms and methods of using digital educational content in the field of national security in the digital information and educational environment

E. A. Klyushnikova, S. I. Khromina
The essence and typology of the “sobriety” phenomenon: pedagogical aspec

L. Zh. Kozhabayeva
Didactic potential of virtual reality technology


N. E. Alekseyev
Changing needs as a source and reserve for the national economy development

Kh. Shatila, D. S. Ushakov
Evaluation of Islamic rural banks

Yu. V. Matveev, K. V. Shnyakin, T. E. Stepanova
Accumulation process under conditions of technical and digital transformation

V. N. Minat
Dynamics and structure of federal financing US R & D abroad

V. P. Kolesnikovich
Strategy of ecotourism development in specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Belarus

Ya. V. Kostroma
Cost management for various diagnostic schemes for cervicitis and chronic endometritis