Problems of legal regulation in educational institutions in the conditions of coronavirus infection

T. S. Volokh, A. B. Moldaspayeva
Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russian Federation

Problems of legal regulation in educational institutions
in the conditions of coronavirus infection

Abstract: This article discusses the problems associated with the regulatory and legal regulation of the activities of educational organizations in the context of a pandemic and the restrictions that are introduced into the system of secondary vocational education. The authors analyze the changes in the current legislation in this area, propose the adoption of new legal articles on the principles and detailed regulation of the implementation of the introduction of innovative technologies in educational activities. As a rule, in such a situation, there are many court precedents with claims to the quality of education during the period of isolation and restrictive measures. The authors agree that in order to eliminate the gaps that arise with the development of information and communication technologies, it is necessary to create an information and methodological center that will structure distance learning, develop fundamental principles and principles. Quick access to the online space did not provide institutions with a chance to prepareteachers, qualitatively equip the educational process with modern educational materials and tools. Therefore, organizations used already developed programs, sometimes not suitable for practice-oriented disciplines. The study states the fact that health protection is a priority task of the entire state. Since education is an integral and important part of people’s life, all measures should be taken within the framework of various educational institutions and with the help of state authorities to minimize the negative impacts and consequences of distance education.

Keywords: educational organization, secondary vocational, distance learning, coronavirus infection.

Paper submitted: May 31, 2022.

For citation: Volokh T. S., Moldaspayeva A. B. (2022) Problems of legal regulation in educational institutions in the conditions of coronavirus infection. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 93-99. DOI: 10.57015/issn1998-5320.2022.16.4.11.

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