Peculiarities of education and teaching of children with disabilities

A. V. Sibiryakov, N. M. Kulmurzaev, R. B. Shaydullaev, D. I. Makambaeva

Lysva Branch of Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Lysva, Russian Federation

Institute of Natural Resources A. S. Dzhamanbaev, Southern Branch of National Academy, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic

Osh State Law Institute, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic

Peculiarities of education and teaching of children with disabilities

Abstract: This article is devoted to the features of the modern education and teaching children with disabilities that depend mainly on the microclimate in the family and the pedagogical positions used by parents, and we also take into the consideration the state policy and the attitude of society to the researched problem. The stages with characteristic patterns of development of children with disabilities under the age of 12 are considered. They are due to difficulties in the process of education, training and physiological changes during development and growth, which requires a radical revision and adjustments in this area of pedagogical education. The reasons of emerging problems when providing free access for children with disabilities to a full- fledged civil, social and economic life within the legal framework of a state with a tolerant society are indicated. The specificity of behavior in the process of education and teaching of children with disabilities is analyzed. Preventive measures (subjective and objective factors) are disclosed to prevent and reduce the occurrence of any physical and mental health restrictions in children, and attempts are made to improve the methods of education of children with disabilities.

Keywords: health limitations, stages of education, family, teaching children with disabilities, inclusive, physiological development.

Paper submitted: January 22, 2022.

For citation: Sibiryakov A. V., Kulmurzaev N. M., Shaydullaev R. B., Makambaeva D. I. (2022). Peculiarities of education and teaching of children with disabilities. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 132–139. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2022.16.1.15.

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