Electronic educational resource in teaching English: the results of the students’ practice

V. N. Kartashovа


Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets, Russian Federation

Electronic educational resource in teaching English: the results of the students’ practice

Abstract: The problem field of this article is related to the actual issue of using the digital educational environment in the daily practice of school educational activities. The implementation of the didactic potential of digital educational technologies, as shown by observations of the educational process, is not sufficiently satisfactory. Goal. Analysis of the electronic educational resources (EЕR) available in modern school education and justification of the need for its use in a foreign language lesson as an integral part of the modern style of teaching. In the course of the study an analysis of the scientific literature on the problem was carried out, the classification of EЕR was described. The study used empirical methods: survey, testing, questionnaires, methods of mathematical data processing. The article presents the results of the pedagogical practice of undergraduate students in the direction of training 44.03.01. Pedagogical education profile Foreign language (first), Foreign language (second), in the process of which the EЕR “Russian Electronic School” was actively used. The use of materials on the topic “Man the creator” in English lessons is described. The survey of students in the degree of satisfaction learning is given, and the results of learning are analyzed. EЕR is a relevant means of intensifying the educational process, allows for supporting all stages of the educational process. EЕR helps to increase interest in the subject, minimize learning difficulties.

Keywords: pedagogical practice, foreign language lesson, electronic educational resource, Russian electronic school, questionnaire, effectiveness.

Paper submitted: May 19, 2021.

For citation: Kartashovа V. N. (2022). Electronic educational resource in teaching English: the results of the students’ practice. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 168–175. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2022.16.1.19.

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