Analysis of the Russian Federation regions interaction in the framework of their innovative development using dynamic Bayesian network

N. B. Pilnik

The Siberian State Automobile and Highway University, Omsk, Russian Federationn

Analysis of the Russian Federation regions interaction in the framework of their innovative development using dynamic Bayesian network

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to analyze the interaction of the Russian Federation regions in the framework of their innovative development using data mining methods. The study used data on the indicator “Goods of own production were shipped, works and services were performed by own forces of an innovative nature since 2017, thousand rubles”. for the period from 2017 to 2021 in a monthly section for 50 regions of the Russian Federation from Rosstat. The identification of dynamic patterns of innovative development of the regions of the Russian Federation was carried out using dynamic Bayesian networks. There were three types of dynamic relationships: 1) the relationship between the regions of the Russian Federation that determine their innovative interaction within one time period; 2) the relationship between the regions of the Russian Federation, their innovative interaction is carried out with a lag effect; 3) the relationship of the internal innovative development of the region taking into account time. Using a dynamic Bayesian network, all types of connections between some regions of the Russian Federation within the framework of their innovative development and interaction are identified. Dynamic connections between the regions of the Russian Federation are predominant, which are implemented without the effect of delay. Only innovatively developed regions of the Russian Federation interact with each other. The interaction of the regions of the Russian Federation has a short-term effect i.e. their mutual influence is carried out either in the current time cycle, or with a lag effect that manifests itself within one month. Insufficient development of the system of interaction between the regions of the Russian Federation within the framework of their innovative development negatively affects the formation of scientific and technical potential of Russia and requires the development of new mechanisms for strategic planning of innovative development of territories.

Keywords: innovative development of the regions of the Russian Federation, Industry 4.0, dynamic Bayesian networks, dynamic communications.

Paper submitted: December 4, 2021.

For citation: Pilnik N. B. (2022). AAnalysis of the Russian Federation regions interaction in the framework of their innovative development using dynamic Bayesian network. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 236–243. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2022.16.1.26.

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