Economic theory as the basis for the theory of urban economics

E. A. Orlyansky


Omsk Humanitarian Academy, Omsk, Russian Federation

Economic theory as the basis for the theory of urban economics

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of searching for general theoretical foundations to study the urban economy. The goal is to identify micro- and macroeconomic patterns that underlie various aspects of the city’s economy. In addition, of interest are the internal laws of the urban economy, reflecting its specificity and their relationship with general laws. This is necessary for the objective identification of the laws of the urban economy itself. In addition, there is the possibility of integrating the theory of urban economics into a general economic theory as a section. As well as the integration of internal laws of urban economy into the complex of laws of economic theory. The main methods are systems analysis, induction and deduction. The main general theoretical laws of the economy are the basis of the functioning of any level of economic activity. The economy of the city is no exception. All the main aspects of the urban economy have common theoretical patterns at their core, which determine the emergence and development of the urban economy. At the same time, certain areas of the urban economy have their own specific internal laws, which can become laws of the urban level of the economy when integrating the theory of urban economics into general economic theory. The urban economy develops solely on the basis of the main laws of economic theory. Starting with the problem of limited resources and the laws of supply and demand, all the basic general theoretical laws are manifested in the emergence and development of the urban economy. The specific laws of the urban economy do not contradict general theoretical laws. The economy of the city is actually one of the levels of the economy as a whole. The theory of urban economics can be a section of general economic theory.

Keywords: city, urban economy, economic theory, limited resources, alternative choice, economies of scale, multiplier effect, public goods.

Paper submitted: August 9, 2021.

For citation: Orlyansky E. A. (2021) Economic theory as the basis for the theory of urban economics. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 214–222. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.4.23.

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