Commercial potential of municipal property: assessment method and development direction

Ye. V. Rozhkov


Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Commercial potential of municipal property: assessment method and development direction

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of problems related to the value increase of municipal property. The study is aimed at analyzing the possibility of using new technologies in managing municipal property in terms of value addition. The methodological basis of the study includes theoretical provisions on the statistical processing of the data used in determining the market value of a particular property and shows the possibility of the appearance of inaccurate indicators due to a number of factors. The author’s work showed the need to use modern digital technologies in collecting and processing information on existing municipal property and in the online mode of determining its market value. Methodological provisions of the system economy are presented by the author in the form of processes of digitalization of processes to increase the value of property. Statistics are given on changes in the composition of property in recent years in the city of Perm, its value, and financial revenues to the city budget when renting. The author publishes a number of articles on the topic of property management, and the study on identifying problems related to the possibility of increasing the value of urban property, attracting investors and investments in the urban environment is seen as a relevant and promising direction in solving scientific problems in the modern economy.

Keywords: digitalization, property, property, cost, municipality, efficiency, modern processes, management, digitalization, city.

Paper submitted: July 13, 2021.

For citation: Rozhkov Ye. V. (2021) Commercial potential of municipal property: assessment method and development direction. Russian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 223–237. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2021.15.4.24.

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