E. N. Belaya,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Dostoevsky Omsk State University 55a Mira prosp., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation


The article is devoted to the study of English, French and Russian phraseological units describing the image of a woman.

The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the identification of national and cultural specificity of English, French, Russian and phraseological units on the basis of comparative analysis allows us to clearly see the uniqueness of the pictures of the world of speakers of the languages we consider, their relationship with the history, traditions of peoples, with the reflection of the national character.

The object of the study is the English, French and Russian phraseological units that relate to the im- age of women.

The subject of the research is the semantics of English, French and Russian phraseological units de- scribing the image of a woman.

The purpose of this work is to compare the internal form of English, French and Russian phraseologi- cal units with the semantics of the image of women to identify common and individual traits. The article fo- cuses on the fact that the national and cultural specificity of phraseological units with the semantics of the image of a woman determines the stereotype, symbolism and standardization of their figurative comparison.

It is concluded that: 1) in the figurative bases of the analyzed English phraseological units are subject and zoomorphic reference concepts of beauty, the relationship with local realities in the knowledge of the nature of women; 2) in the figurative bases of the analyzed French phraseological units are co-mathematical, vegetative reference concepts of beauty, somatism in the meaning of the kindness of women, the relationship with literary sources; 3) in the figurative bases of the analyzed Russian phraseological units are national tra- ditions in the meaning of beauty women, fabulous and literary sources in the meaning of the nature of wom- en. Comparative analysis of phraseological units demonstrates the differences in language pictures of the world and sheds light on the ethnic logic.

Keywords: cultural interpretation, ritual, standard, symbol, stereotype.


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