E. A. Sergievich,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Omsk humanitarian Academy, 2а 4th Cheluskintsev st., Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation
E. A. Zubareva, Candidate of Biology Sciences, Associate Professor, Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University,
1 Institutskaya square, Omsk, 644008, Russian Federation
A. A. Zubarev, Candidate of Ttechnical Sciences, Associate Professor, Siberian State Automobile and Highway University,
5 Prospect Mira, Omsk, 644080, Russian Federation


Introduction. There is always a need for an objective assessment of the result of physical load on the human body, the process of fatigue and evaluation of the dynamics of the recovery period. In this connection, numerous research works on the search of the most suitable methods and equipment, applicable in the conditions of the training process and competitions are carried out.

Purpose. In this article, the methods and small-sized equipment “Muscle Tester” to assess the functional state of the neuromuscular and cardiovascular system of a person (athlete) in the “field” conditions, namely in the gym, at the stadium, the Uli-TSE (without an electric network).

Methods and methodology. The technique is based on the registration and analysis of the complex of physiological and mechanical parameters of the athlete to assess the dynamics of changes in the functional state during the training cycle. Synchronous registration of bioelectric activity of skeletal muscle (or muscle group), registration of speed and strength of muscle contraction, cardiac activity.

Results. As a result of testing of equipment and preliminary experiments taking into account the physiology of muscle activity and the direction of sports specialization of athletes (in this article wrestlers), static and dynamic tests are developed, during which physiological and mechanical parameters are registered.

Summary. The analysis of the data obtained will allow to assess the progress of development and to trace the dynamics of changes in human physical abilities.

Keywords: electromyography, test movements, skeletal muscles, simulator, dynamic load, static load.


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