G. A. Grigoryan,
Postgraduate, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
1 Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119234, Russian Federation
e-mail: go_xx@inbox.ru


Problem and purpose. The article deals with the peculiarities of the writers’ critics in the Russian lit- erature which still hasn’t been discussed properly. The aim is to analyze Chekov’s views on the writers’ ways of organizing their works. The study argues that Chekov is not merely a writer but also a critic with his own point of view for the development of the Russian literature and the writing art itself.

Materials and methods. The research material is Chekhov’s epistolary heritage as a unique collective work of thoughts of the writer on the various literature questions. The article is based on the methods of sci- entific selection, analysis and structuring.

Results. Throughout the article Chekhov’s literature and critical views that can be found in his letters to different correspondents and in his critical responses to other writers’ creative works are studied and ana- lyzed. Based on this vast data the Chekhov’s general requirements for the fiction works and the writing art can be determined which helps to catch Chekhov’s vision of the literature.

Conclusions. Numerous valuable advices, statements and recommendations presented in the Che- khov’s letters and contained qualified assessments are the key to understanding of writing art principles and becoming a part of the Chekhov’s creative process where he appears as a reader and literature critic.

Keywords: A. P. Chekhov, Russian literature, writer, literature critic, writer criticism, epistolary heritage.


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